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What is metric?

Metrics are named SQL queries that return a timestamp and pretty much anything else you find useful. Most metrics have many different query text versions for different target PostgreSQL versions, also optionally taking into account primary / replica state and as of v1.8 also versions of installed extensions.

-- a sample metric
  (extract(epoch from now()) * 1e9)::int8 as epoch_ns,
  extract(epoch from (now() - pg_postmaster_start_time()))::int8 as postmaster_uptime_s,
  case when pg_is_in_recovery() then 1 else 0 end as in_recovery_int;

Correct version of the metric definition will be chosen automatically by regularly connecting to the target database and checking the Postgres version, recovery state, and if the monitoring user is a superuser or not.

Built-in metrics and presets

There's a good set of pre-defined metrics & metric configs provided by the pgwatch project to cover all typical needs, but when monitoring hundreds of hosts you'd typically want to develop some custom Preset Configs or at least adjust the metric fetching intervals according to your monitoring goals.

Some things to note about the built-in metrics:

  • Only a half of them are included in the Preset configs and are ready for direct usage. The rest need some extra extensions or privileges, OS level tool installations etc. To see what's possible just browse the sample metrics.
  • Some builtin metrics are marked to be only executed when server is a primary or conversely, a standby. The flags can be inspected / set on the Web UI Metrics tab or in YAML mode by suffixing the metric definition with "standby" or "master".
  • There are a couple of special preset metrics that have some non-standard behaviour attached to them, e.g. change_events, recommendations, server_log_event_counts, instance_up.


The "change_events" built-in metric, tracking DDL & config changes, uses internally some other "*_hashes" metrics which are not meant to be used on their own. Such metrics are described also accordingly on the Web UI /metrics page, and they should not be removed.


When enabled (i.e. interval > 0), this metric will find all other metrics starting with reco_* and execute those queries. The purpose of the metric is to spot some performance, security and other "best practices" violations. Users can add new reco_* queries freely.


This enables Postgres server log "tailing" for errors. Can't be used for "pull" setups though unless the DB logs are somehow mounted / copied over, as real file access is needed. See the Log parsing chapter for details.


For normal metrics there will be no data rows stored if the DB is not reachable, but for this one there will be a 0 stored for the "is_up" column that under normal operations would always be 1. This metric can be used to calculate some "uptime" SLA indicator for example.


This metric retrieves key statistics from the PostgreSQL pg_stat_archiver view, providing insights into the status of WAL file archiving. It returns the total number of successfully archived files and failed archiving attempts. Additionally, it identifies if the most recent attempt resulted in a failure and calculates how many seconds have passed since the last failure. The metric only considers data if WAL archiving is enabled in the system, helping administrators monitor and diagnose issues related to the archiving process.


This metric gathers detailed information from the PostgreSQL pg_stat_activity view, providing an overview of the current session and activity state for the database. It tracks the total number of client backends, active sessions, idle sessions, sessions waiting on locks, and background workers. The metric also calculates statistics on blocked sessions, longest waiting times, average and longest session durations, transaction times, and query durations. Additionally, it monitors autovacuum worker activity and provides the age of the oldest transaction (measured by xmin). This metric helps administrators monitor session states, detect bottlenecks, and ensure the system is within its connection limits, providing visibility into database performance and contention.


This metric retrieves statistics from the pg_stat_bgwriter view, providing information about the background writer process in PostgreSQL. It reports the number of buffers that have been cleaned (written to disk) by the background writer, how many times buffers were written because the background writer reached the maximum limit (maxwritten_clean), and the total number of buffers allocated. Additionally, it calculates the time in seconds since the last reset of these statistics. This metric helps monitor the efficiency and behavior of PostgreSQL's background writer, which plays a crucial role in managing I/O by writing modified buffers to disk, thus helping to ensure smooth database performance.


This metric provides information about lock contention in PostgreSQL by identifying sessions that are waiting for locks and the sessions holding those locks. It captures details from the pg_locks view and the pg_stat_activity view to highlight the interactions between the waiting and blocking sessions. The result helps identify which queries are causing delays due to lock contention, the type of locks involved, and the users or sessions responsible for holding or waiting on locks. This metric is useful for diagnosing performance bottlenecks related to database locking.


This metric provides insights into the activity and performance of PostgreSQL's checkpointer process, which ensures that modified data pages are regularly written to disk to maintain consistency. It tracks the number of checkpoints that have been triggered either by the system's timing or by specific requests, as well as how many restart points have been completed in standby environments. Additionally, it measures the time spent writing and synchronizing buffers to disk, the total number of buffers written, and how long it has been since the last reset of these statistics. This metric helps administrators understand how efficiently the system is handling checkpoints and whether there might be I/O performance issues related to the frequency or duration of checkpoint operations.


This metric provides a comprehensive overview of various performance and health statistics for the current PostgreSQL database. It tracks key metrics such as the number of active database connections (numbackends), transaction statistics (committed, rolled back), block I/O (blocks read and hit in the cache), and tuple operations (rows returned, fetched, inserted, updated, deleted). Additionally, it monitors conflicts, temporary file usage, deadlocks, and block read/write times.

The metric also includes system uptime by calculating how long the PostgreSQL postmaster process has been running and tracks checksum failures and the time since the last checksum failure. It identifies if the database is in recovery mode, retrieves the system identifier, and tracks session-related statistics such as total session time, active time, idle-in-transaction time, and sessions that were abandoned, fatal, or killed.

Lastly, it monitors the number of invalid indexes that are not currently being rebuilt. This metric helps database administrators gain insights into overall database performance, transaction behavior, session activity, and potential index-related issues, which are critical for efficient database management and troubleshooting.


This metric tracks key information about the PostgreSQL system's write-ahead logging (WAL) and recovery state. It calculates the current WAL location, showing how far the system has progressed in terms of WAL writing or replaying if in recovery mode. The metric also indicates whether the database is in recovery, monitors the system's uptime since the postmaster process started, and provides the system's unique identifier. Additionally, it retrieves the current timeline, which is essential for tracking the state of the WAL log and recovery process. This metric helps administrators monitor database health, especially in terms of recovery and WAL operations.


This metric identifies lock contention in the PostgreSQL database by tracking sessions that are waiting for locks and the corresponding sessions holding those locks. It examines active queries in the current database and captures detailed information about both the waiting and blocking sessions. For each waiting session, it records the lock type, user, lock mode, and the query being executed, as well as the table involved. Similarly, for the session holding the lock, it captures the same details. This helps database administrators identify queries that are causing delays due to lock contention, enabling them to troubleshoot performance issues and optimize query execution.


This metric provides a detailed overview of PostgreSQL database performance and activity. It tracks the current WAL (Write-Ahead Log) location, the number of active and blocked backends, and the oldest transaction time. It calculates the total transaction rate (TPS) by summing committed and rolled-back transactions, as well as specific statistics on table and index performance, such as the number of sequential scans on tables larger than 10MB and the number of function calls.

Additionally, the metric tracks block read and write times, the amount of temporary bytes used, deadlocks, and whether the database is in recovery mode. Finally, it calculates the uptime of the PostgreSQL postmaster process. This information helps administrators monitor and manage system performance, detect potential bottlenecks, and optimize query and transaction behavior.


This metric provides detailed statistics about the performance and resource usage of SQL queries executed on the PostgreSQL database. It collects data from the pg_stat_statements view, focusing on queries that have been executed more than five times and have significant execution time (greater than 5 milliseconds). It aggregates important performance metrics for each query, such as:

  • Execution metrics: Total number of executions (calls), total execution time, and total planning time.
  • I/O metrics: Blocks read and written (both shared and temporary), blocks dirtied, and associated read/write times.
  • WAL metrics: WAL (Write-Ahead Log) bytes generated and the number of WAL full page images (FPI).
  • User activity: The users who executed the queries and a sample of the query text.

The metric ranks queries based on different performance factors, including execution time, number of calls, block reads/writes, and temporary block usage, and it limits the results to the top 100 queries in each category. This helps administrators identify resource-intensive queries, optimize database performance, and improve query efficiency by focusing on those that consume the most I/O or take the longest to execute.


This metric collects and summarizes detailed information about table sizes, table activity, and maintenance operations in PostgreSQL. It tracks both individual tables and partitioned tables, including their root partitions. The metric calculates the size of each table (in bytes), as well as other key statistics like sequential scans, index scans, tuples inserted, updated, or deleted, and the number of live and dead tuples. It also tracks maintenance operations like vacuum and analyze runs, as well as whether autovacuum is disabled for specific tables.

For partitioned tables, the metric aggregates the statistics across all partitions and provides a summary of the partitioned table as a whole, marking it as the root partition. Additionally, it calculates the time since the last vacuum and analyze operations and captures transaction freeze age for each table, which helps monitor when a table might need a vacuum to prevent transaction wraparound.

By focusing on tables larger than 10MB and ignoring temporary and system tables, this metric helps database administrators monitor the largest and most active tables in their database, ensuring that maintenance operations like vacuum and analyze are running effectively and identifying tables that may be contributing to performance bottlenecks due to size or activity.

Custom metrics

For defining metrics definitions you should adhere to a couple of basic concepts:

  • Every metric query should have an epoch_ns (nanoseconds since epoch column) to record the metrics reading time. If the column is not there, things will still work but server timestamp of the metrics gathering daemon will be used, some a small loss (assuming intra-datacenter monitoring with little lag) of precision occurs.

  • Queries should only return text, integer, boolean or floating point (a.k.a. double precision) Postgres data types. Note that columns with NULL values are not stored at all in the data layer as it's a bit bothersome to work with NULLs!

  • Column names should be descriptive enough so that they're self-explanatory, but not too long as it costs storage

  • Metric queries should execute fast - at least below the selected Statement timeout (default 5s)

  • Columns can be optionally "tagged" by prefixing them with tag_. By doing this, the column data will be indexed by the Postgres giving following advantages:

    • Sophisticated auto-discovery support for indexed keys/values, when building charts with Grafana.
    • Faster queries for queries on those columns.
  • All fetched metric rows can also be "prettyfied" with any custom static key-value data, per host. To enable use the "Custom tags" Web UI field for the monitored DB entry or "custom_tags" YAML field. Note that this works per host and applies to all metrics.

  • For Prometheus the numerical columns are by default mapped to a Value Type of "Counter" (as most Statistics Collector columns are cumulative), but when this is not the case and the column is a "Gauge" then according column attributes should be declared. See below section on column attributes for details.

  • For Prometheus all text fields will be turned into tags / labels as only floats can be stored!

Adding and using a custom metric

For Config DB based setups:

  1. Go to the Web UI "METRICS" page and press "+ NEW" button.
  2. Fill the template - pick a name for your metric, select minimum supported PostgreSQL version and insert the query text and any extra attributes if any (see below for options). Hit the "ADD METRIC" button to store.
  3. Activate the newly added metric by including it in some existing Preset Config in "PRESETS" page or add it directly to monitored DB, together with an interval, into the "METRICS" tab when editing a source on the "SOURCES" page.

For YAML based setups:

  1. Create a new folder for the metric under /etc/pgwatch/metrics. The folder name will be the metrics name, so choose wisely.
  2. Create a new subfolder for each "minimally supported" Postgres version and insert the metrics SQL definition into a file named "metric.sql".


    Note the "minimally supported" part - i.e. if your query will work from version v11.0 to v17 then you only need one entry called "11". If there was a breaking change in the internal catalogs at v13 so that the query stopped working, you need a new entry named "13" that will be used for all versions above v13.

  3. Activate the newly added metric by including it in some existing Preset Config or add it directly to the YAML config "custom_metrics" section.

Metric attributes

The behaviour of plain metrics can be extended with a set of attributes that will modify the gathering in some way. The attributes are stored in YAML files called metric_attrs.yaml in a metrics root directory or in the metric_attribute Config DB table.

Currently supported attributes are:

  • is_instance_level

    Enables caching, i.e. sharing of metric data between various databases of a single instance to reduce load on the monitored server.

                    11: |
                        select /* pgwatch_generated */
                    - '*'
                is_instance_level: true
  • statement_timeout_seconds

    Enables to override the default 'per monitored DB' statement timeouts on metric level.

  • metric_storage_name

    Enables dynamic "renaming" of metrics at storage level, i.e. declaring almost similar metrics with different names but the data will be stored under one metric. Currently used (for out-of-the box metrics) only for the stat_statements_no_query_text metric, to not store actual query texts from the "pg_stat_statements" extension for more security sensitive instances.

  • extension_version_based_overrides

    Enables to "switch out" the query text from some other metric based on some specific extension version. See 'reco_add_index' for an example definition.

  • disabled_days

    Enables to "pause" metric gathering on specified days. See metric_attrs.yaml for "wal" for an example.

  • disabled_times

    Enables to "pause" metric gathering on specified time intervals. e.g. "09:00-17:00" for business hours. Note that if time zone is not specified the server time of the gather daemon is used. disabled_days / disabled_times can also be defined both on metric and host (host_attrs) level.

Column attributes

Besides the _tag column prefix modifier, it's also possible to modify the output of certain columns via a few attributes. It's only relevant for Prometheus output though currently, to set the correct data types in the output description, which is generally considered a nice-to-have thing anyway. For YAML based setups this means adding a "column_attrs.yaml" file in the metrics top folder and for Config DB based setups an according "column_attrs" JSON column should be filled via the Web UI.

Supported column attributes:

  • gauges

    Describe the mentioned output columns as of TYPE gauge, i.e. the value can change any time in any direction. Default TYPE for pgwatch is counter.

                11: |
                - table_size_b
                - total_relation_size_b
                - toast_size_b
                - seconds_since_last_vacuum
                - seconds_since_last_analyze
                - n_live_tup
                - n_dead_tup
            metric_storage_name: table_stats

Adding metric fetching helpers

As mentioned in Helper Functions section, Postgres knows very little about the Operating System that it's running on, so in some (most) cases it might be advantageous to also monitor some basic OS statistics together with the PostgreSQL ones, to get a better head start when troubleshooting performance problems. But as setup of such OS tools and linking the gathered data is not always trivial, pgwatch has a system of helpers for fetching such data.

One can invent and install such helpers on the monitored databases freely to expose any information needed (backup status etc.) via Python, or any other PL-language supported by Postgres, and then add these metrics similarly to any other Postgres-native metrics.