This documentation pertains to older v2.x releases. Many features and functions have since been updated or replaced. Please refer to the current version for the latest information.
List of main features
Non-invasive setup on PostgreSQL side - no extensions nor superuser rights are required for the base functionality so that even unprivileged users like developers can get a good overview of database activities without any hassle
Lots of preset metric configurations covering all performance critical PostgreSQL internal Statistics Collector data
Intuitive metrics presentation using a set of predefined dashboards for the very popular Grafana dashboarding engine with optional alerting support
Easy extensibility of metrics which are defined in pure SQL, thus they could also be from the business domain
Many metric data storage options - PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL with the compression enabled TimescaleDB extension, InfluxDB, Graphite or Prometheus scraping
Multiple deployment options - PostgreSQL configuration DB, YAML or ENV configuration, supporting both “push” and “pull” models
Possible to monitoring all, single or a subset (list or regex) of databases of a PostgreSQL instance
Global or per DB configuration of metrics and metric fetching intervals and optionally also times / days
Kubernetes/OpenShift ready with sample templates and a Helm chart
PgBouncer, Pgpool2, AWS RDS and Patroni support with automatic member discovery
Internal health-check API (port 8081 by default) to monitor metrics gathering status / progress remotely
Built-in security with SSL connections support for all components and passwords encryption for connect strings
Very low resource requirements for the collector even when monitoring hundreds of instances
Capabilities to go beyond PostgreSQL metrics gathering with built-in log parsing for error detection and OS level metrics collection via PL/Python “helper” stored procedures
A Ping mode to test connectivity to all databases under monitoring