
This documentation pertains to older v2.x releases. Many features and functions have since been updated or replaced. Please refer to the current version for the latest information.

Installation options

Besides freedom of choosing from a set of metric storage options one can also choose how they’re going to retrieve metrics from databases - in a “pull” or “push” way and how is the monitoring configuration (connect strings, metric sets and intervals) going to be stored.

Config DB based operation

This is the original central pull mode depicted on the architecture diagram. It requires a small schema to be rolled out on any Postgres database accessible to the metrics gathering daemon, which will hold the connect strings, metric definition SQL-s and preset configurations and some other more minor attributes. For rollout details see the custom installation chapter.

The default Docker images use this approach.

File based operation

From v1.4.0 one can deploy the gatherer daemon(s) decentrally with hosts to be monitored defined in simple YAML files. In that case there is no need for the central Postgres “config DB”. See the sample instances.yaml config file for an example. Note that in this mode you also need to point out the path to metric definition SQL files when starting the gatherer. Also note that the configuration system also supports multiple YAML files in a folder so that you could easily programmatically manage things via Ansible for example and you can also use Env. vars in sideYAML files.

Relevant Gatherer env. vars / flags: --config, --metrics-folder or PW2_CONFIG / PW2_METRICS_FOLDER.

Ad-hoc mode

Optimized for Cloud scenarios and quick temporary setups, it’s also possible to run the metrics gathering daemon in a somewhat limited “ad-hoc” mode, by specifying a single connection string via ENV or command line input, plus the same for the metrics and intervals (as a JSON string) or a preset config name. In this mode it’s only possible to monitor a single specified Postgres DB (the default behaviour) or the whole instance, i.e. all non-template databases found on the instance.

This mode is perfect also for Cloud setups in sidecar constellations when exposing the Prometheus output. Pushing to a central metrics DB is also a good option for non-cloud setups if monitoring details like intervals etc are static enough - it helps to distribute the metrics gathering load and is more fault-tolerant. The only critical component will then be the metrics storage DB, but that can be well solved with a HA solution like Patroni for example.

Main benefit - in this mode there is no need for the central Postgres “config DB” nor any YAML config files. NB! When using that mode with the default Docker image, the built-in metric definitions can’t be changed via the Web UI and it’s actually recommended to use the gatherer only image named cybertec/pgwatch2-daemon.

Relevant Gatherer env. vars / flags: --adhoc-conn-str, --adhoc-config, --adhoc-name, --metrics-folder or respectively PW2_ADHOC_CONN_STR, PW2_ADHOC_CONFIG, PW2_ADHOC_NAME, PW2_METRICS_FOLDER, PW2_ADHOC_CREATE_HELPERS.

# launching in ad-hoc / test mode
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -e PW2_ADHOC_CONN_STR="postgresql://user:pwd@mydb:5432/mydb1" \
    -e PW2_ADHOC_CONFIG=unprivileged --name pw2 cybertec/pgwatch2-postgres

# launching in ad-hoc / test mode, creating metrics helpers automatically (requires superuser)
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -e PW2_ADHOC_CONN_STR="postgresql://user:pwd@mydb:5432/mydb1" \
    -e PW2_ADHOC_CONFIG=exhaustive -e PW2_ADHOC_CREATE_HELPERS=true --name pw2 cybertec/pgwatch2-postgres

NB! Using the PW2_ADHOC_CREATE_HELPERS flag will try to create all metrics fetching helpers automatically if not already existing - this assumes superuser privileges though, which is not recommended for long term setups for obvious reasons. In case a long term need rises it’s recommended to change the monitoring role to an unprivileged pgwatch2 user, which by default gets execute GRANT-s to all helper functions. More details on how to deal with helpers can be found here and more on secure setups in the security chapter.

Prometheus mode

In v1.6.0 was added support for Prometheus - being one of the most popular modern metrics gathering / alerting solutions. When the --datastore / PW2_DATASTORE parameter is set to prometheus then the pgwatch2 metrics collector doesn’t do any normal interval-based fetching but listens on port 9187 (changeable) for scrape requests configured and performed on Prometheus side. Returned metrics belong to the “pgwatch2” namespace (a prefix basically) which is changeable via the --prometheus-namespace flag if needed.

Also important to note - in this mode the pgwatch2 agent should not be run centrally but on all individual DB hosts. While technically possible though to run centrally, it would counter the core idea of Prometheus and would make scrapes also longer and risk getting timeouts as all DBs are scanned sequentially for metrics.

FYI – the functionality has some overlap with the existing postgres_exporter project, but also provides more flexibility in metrics configuration and all config changes are applied “online”.

Also note that Prometheus can only store numerical metric data values - so metrics output for example PostgreSQL storage and Prometheus are not 100% compatile. Due to that there’s also a separate “preset config” named “prometheus”.