This documentation pertains to older v2.x releases. Many features and functions have since been updated or replaced. Please refer to the current version for the latest information.
Sizing recommendations
Min 1GB of RAM is required for a Docker setup using Postgres to store metrics, for InfluxDB it should be at least 2GB.
The gatherer alone needs typically less than 50 MB if the metrics store is online. Memory consumption will increase a lot when the metrics store is offline though, as then metrics are cached in RAM in ringbuffer style up to a limit of 10k data points (for all databases) and then memory consumption is dependent on how “wide” are the metrics gathered.
Storage requirements vary a lot and are hard to predict.
2GB of disk space should be enough though for monitoring a single DB with “exhaustive” preset for 1 month with InfluxDB storage. 1 month is also the default metrics retention policy for Influx running in Docker (configurable). Depending on the amount of schema objects - tables, indexes, stored procedures and especially on number of unique SQL-s, it could be also much more. With Postgres as metric store multiply it with ~5x, but if disk size reduction is wanted for PostgreSQL storage then best would be to use the TimescaleDB extension - it has built-in compression and disk footprint is on the same level with InfluxDB, while retaining full SQL support.
To determine disk usage needs for your exact setup, there’s also a Test Data Generation mode built into the collector. Using this mode requires two below params, plus also the usual Ad-hoc mode connection string params.
Relevant params: --testdata-days, --testdata-multiplier or PW2_TESTDATA_DAYS, PW2_TESTDATA_MULTIPLIER
A low-spec (1 vCPU, 2 GB RAM) cloud machine can easily monitor 100 DBs in “exhaustive” settings (i.e. almost all metrics are monitored in 1-2min intervals) without breaking a sweat (<20% load).
A single InfluxDB node should handle thousands of requests per second but if this is not enough, pgwatch2 also supports writing into a secondary “mirror” InfluxDB, to distribute at least read load evenly. If more than two are needed one should look at InfluxDB Enterprise, Graphite, PostgreSQL with streaming replicas for read scaling or for example Citus for write scaling.
When high metrics write latency is problematic (e.g. using a DBaaS across the atlantic) then increasing the default maximum batching delay of 250ms usually gives good results.
Relevant params: --batching-delay-ms / PW2_BATCHING_MAX_DELAY_MS
Note that when monitoring a very large number of databases, it’s possible to “shard” / distribute them between many metric collection instances running on different hosts, via the group attribute. This requires that some hosts have been assigned a non-default group identifier, which is just a text field exactly for this sharding purpose.
Relevant params: --group / PW2_GROUP